abu dhabi do.

i was at Target the other day, killing time (reeeeeally bad idea). ya'll know how that can turn out. the good news is i found Sex and the City II (the movie) for $7.00! i've been wanting to add it to my collection for a while, and the fashion documented in this movie alone was worth the seven bucks. so the trip wasn't a financially disaster after all! 

if you haven't seen the film, it is set in Abu Dhabi, which is part of the United Arab Emirates. i am absolutely fascinated by the culture and beauty of the middle east. and after watching the movie last night, i REALLY want to go now more than ever!

i'll just pack a bunch of suitcases loaded with this collection and i'll be off!! who's with me?

image found here


Michael M. | December 13, 2011 at 12:18 PM

Love this title, and I would gladly go

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